Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

Benefits of banana trees

Banana tree, a familiar word that our ears. Many of us who do not know how many of the benefits of this tree ...Bananas can be described as the fruit of life. Potassium content is pretty much contained in this fruit can lower blood pressure, heart health, and facilitate the delivery of oxygen to the brain. Bananas have long been familiar with the people of Indonesia, it is evident from the frequent use as a symbol of a banana tree in a variety of ceremonies. Banana tree fruit is always done before regeneration and death, namely through the shoots that grow on the cob. That's how the banana trees to maintain their existence to give advantage to humans. Tersebutlah philosophy underlying the use of a banana tree as a symbol of noble intentions at the wedding ceremony.
Suitable tropical climate and soil conditions that contains lots of humus enables banana plant is widespread in Indonesia. Currently, almost all parts of Indonesia is the banana-producing areas.
Bananas have a lot of benefits that begin to address the problem of addiction to cigarettes for beauty problems such as face masks, address of damaged hair and smooth hands.
In addition to the banana fruit is rarely used, such as stems, tubers, skin and heart. But along with the increase of science and technology so much that can be utilized from the wastes that are rarely used by the community that will improve the quality of the waste and increase the economic value of waste.
Examples of waste management in a way to re-banana (Reuse) is
a. Pisang Ambon Skin Can Be Used For Treatment. `
Bananas are very beneficial for our bodies. In addition to containing vitamin C, bananas are also high in fiber channel launched pencernaaan functioning, so that bowel movements were so smooth. Apparently, in addition to fruit, the banana skins also useful for treating dark patches rather crude (eg pockmarks) on the skin. The trick, rub the inside of the banana skin on the skin of a former smallpox. Take a few moments, then wash with warm water. Do this regularly and patience. The result, smooth skin will return to normal
b. Banana weevil for medicine and food
Water weevil and banana kepok klutuk also known to be used as a cure for dysentery, intestinal bleeding, mouthwash and to improve growth and discolor hair. As for the food, the banana weevil can be processed into snacks, like ointment and fresh vegetables
c. Banana stem is used as animal feed
Banana stem is usually discarded or used to restrain the rate of water but other than that banana trunks can also be used for animal feed because of the content contained in the banana can improve cattle nutrition so that it will improve the quality of livestock
Examples of banana waste management by recycling (recycle) is
a. Vinegar Banana Skin
At first collect as much as 100 kg of banana skin and make the production process for 4-5 weeks. Needs of the other ingredients include: 20 kg sugar, 120 grams of ammonium sulfite (NH4) 2S03, 0.5 kg of baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and 25 liters of mother of vinegar (Acetobacter aceti).
Rnembuatnya way, cut a banana peel or chopped, and boiled with water as much as 150 liters. Filter with cloth in the jar. Based on field tests, the starting material was boiled banana peel that banana peel will produce a liquid is approximately 135 liters, 7.5 kg of missing parts, and the remaining solid material around 112.5 kg. Once filtered into the jar, the liquid banana peel is necessary, ammonium sulfite and sugar.
The following steps, cooled and add yeast bread. Let the fermentation lasted one week. The result is filtered again. Of 135 liters of fluid a banana skin after fermented and filtered into 130 liters of alcohol solution, and five liters of unused product. In the alcoholic solution was added to the mother of vinegar, and let the fermentation lasted for three weeks.
Furthermore, a fermented alcoholic solution is boiled. Well, the condition is still hot, banana vinegar put in plastic bottles. Then immediately closed and kept in room temperature. Marketing is usually packed in a plastic banana vinegar is 40 ml, 60 ml or 80 ml. If calculated, from 100 kg banana skin will get about 120 liters of vinegar banana.
b. Nata from Banana Skin
Potential local fruits archipelago to be developed as food ingredients has been proven. One of the banana fruit. This fruit can be eaten when fresh but can also be a variety of foods, such as ceriping, and sale.
A study of bananas done three lecturers, State University of Yogyakarta. Once again to make a banana as a processed product that the public preferred to retain nutrients.
Interestingly, research conducted Salirawati MSi Das, Eddy Sulistyowati Apt MS, and Retno Arianingrum MSi all of whom are professors of Education Department of Chemistry Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is not done on men, but on the skin. This study successfully made the banana-skin which has become more disposed-nata.
Nata is shaped like a gel fibers are made by utilizing the bacterium Acetobacter xylinum work. "So far people have to know the product or nata nata de coco made from coconut water. Banana Nata from real leather with nata de coco, banana Nata difference is made from basic ingredients of a banana skin, "he said, Wednesday (8/3).
The idea of ​​making nata from banana peels, as inspired by previous research that could make nata of a banana. "Why then choose a banana peel banana skin because so far not utilized and simply thrown away. Though this banana peel can be easily found around us, among other places where people sell fried foods, "he said.
Nata-making process of the first banana peel is scrape the inside of a banana skin. Results scrapings were then blended and mixed with clean water in the ratio 1: 2, then filtered to obtain the juice. After that regular vinegar added to the size of 4-5 percent of the volume of the juice. If using vinegar absolute then just 0.8 percent. ZA also added as much as 0.8 percent of the solution, and sugar as much as 10 percent. These materials are mixed and then heated to boiling.
"Acetic acid and ZA working for live media for bacteria Acetobacter xylinum. These bacteria require nitrogen from fertilizers and acidity of the vinegar ZA. Acetobacter xylinum is what would later form the nata, "said Das.
After boiling and then poured in molds. With a mixture of liquid height of approximately 2-3 cm in each mold. Once cool, put the bacteria Acetobacter xylinum, which can be purchased in liquid form, as much as 10 percent of the mixture. Before entering the bacteria, the dough should really cool, because if it is hot the bacteria will die. After that, the mold covered with newspaper. This is so that air can still enter through the pores of the paper. After two weeks, a new mold to be opened. The dough will be turned into a gel form.
Nata then sliced, washed, and squeezed dry. For further boiled again with water approximately two times the stew. This serves to eliminate the smell of vinegar. Once completed, nata can be mixed with syrup or sugar to taste. Necessary because nata mixture of fresh taste. Nata from banana peel was ready to be served for drinks, and other snacks. Nata is known from 100 gram banana skin contains about 12 mg protein. Das Salirawati revealed that research will continue to search for the optimum thickness of nata. From the initial experiments, it is known from two cm thick liquid mixture obtained nata approximately 1.5 cm. The public are welcome if you want to try to make nata from banana peels. "It could be an alternative for small-scale businesses," he said. (RWN)
c. Banana Bread from Skin
Banana peel is often thrown away in any place. If discarded carelessly, a banana peel can make people slip. However, three ITS Biology student, never underestimate a banana peel. Because after investigation proved a banana skin can not be considered trivial stuff.
"Banana skin that is often considered worthless stuff, it was found to contain vitamin C, B, calcium, protein, and fat is also enough," said Sulfahri, one of three researchers. Looking at the ingredient that is high enough, he and two colleagues tried to make a snack of banana skin material.
"Originally, we only produce chips banana skin, but over time the idea arose to make flour from banana skin," he said. Students said the class of 2007 banana flour was eventually used as feedstock sponge cake. Although repeatedly failed, but they finally found the right formula to make a cake from a banana peel.
"I counted more than 50 times, but we are now satisfied with the cake recipe that we have," he said. Suitable banana skin made of flour is a type of plantain, plantain skin is thicker than other types of bananas.
Sulfahri works and two colleagues was one of the innovative work that was selected in the screening for "Biological Opus Fair" held at the Plaza Dr. Figures ITS Surabaya on 17 and 18 April 2008.
Eight innovative products on display is the work titled "Utilization of Banana Fruit Leather King (Musa paradisiaca sapientum) in Cake Making Material Bolu" (the work of the Department of Biology Sulfahri ITS), and "Water Electric Light Trap (WEL-T) as a Substitute Pesticide Efforts Peningatan Eco-Friendly Food Production "(paper Resti Afiandinie of Chemical Engineering Department ITS).
Another masterpiece is "Administrative Talok (Muntingia calabura Linn) as One Source of New Alternatives in the World of Food" (Linda Fitri Sari from the University of Malang), then "Potential Suweg (Amorphophallus campanulatus Bl.) As an Alternative Food Ingredients (Exploring the Potential for Food Efforts local) "(Riana Dyah Suryaningrum of Muhammadiyah University of Malang).
In addition there are other works, such as "Solid Waste Conversion Products Being Green" (Sulistiono Ningsih from the Department of Biology at the University of Jember), "Utilization of Microalgae (Phytoplankton) as a Source of Fuel Substitution Premium" (Abdul Azis Jaziri from the Department of Fisheries in the UB poor), "Diversification Dioscorea Flour as Alternative Sources of Food" (Zainal Arifin from the Department of Biology ITS), then "Utilization of fruit and leaves cersen / Talok as chips and lunkhead" (Ria of Biology Department of Biological ITS).
No different from Sulfahri, Zaenal Arifin also tried to make the diversification of tuber material uwi. "Bulbs are called latin Dioscorea alata turned out to be food safe for diabetics. Uwi sugar levels are low, but high in carbohydrates, "said student majoring in Biology of the ITS.
Uwi processing into flour that did not require a complicated process, even just using traditional methods. "I made two kinds of uwi, uwi uwi white and purple which are equally low sugar yield. Uwi coarse grated, then marinated with lime water to separate the grater with the resin. Uwi could sap water for pesticides that are environmentally friendly, "he said.
Grater that has been dried, he says, can be directly processed into flour. "Wheat from uwi can be used as a raw material of various kinds of snacks, like cakes and noodles. Sense of their own flour fresh, so easy to be varied, "he said.
d. Banana Heart jerky
Banana plants grow well and cultivated in all regions of Indonesia. Easy tree species planted and almost every house in the country have this banana tree.
Every farmer can be sure to plant bananas, although only among the banana plant in the yard.
It would not hurt to plant this tree. Moreover, all parts of banana plants can be used for household needs ranging from leaves, fruit, until the tree stump.
Banana fruit and plant parts can be processed into various types of processed foods. One of the processed food from the banana plant is the banana jerky.
To make beef jerky banana needs to be prepared a number of materials, including four banana, one tablespoon of coriander, 50 grams of fish, 10 spring onions, and four cloves of garlic. While the need for the equipment consists of a knife, steamer, mortar, and Tampah.
How to make it, take a fresh banana. Discard the outer petals until it looks white petals reddish. Banana is boiled until tender. Then crushed into powder.
Furthermore, ground spices and cooked in a skillet. After that, the collision banana inserted into the pan containing seasoning. Stirred thoroughly, then add brown sugar. If it is ripe, please removed and immediately printed on Tampah. Be banana jerky in print. Jerky is dried for 2-3 days to dry. Then, fry until cooked, and finally packed in plastic bags.
e. Banana chips Clevis
The need for materials to make banana chips consist of weevil banana weevil, sodium bisulfite, salt, onion, garlic, cooking oil, pepper, and water. While the tools have to put up the knife, basins, pans, buckets, stoves, cutting boards, and other supporting tools.
How to make it, take the banana weevil, and then peel the outer skin, and washed with clean water. Tuber is cut into thin slices about 0.5 cm. Tuber slices immersed in a solution of sodium bisulfite per cent for 2-3 minutes (guiding principle: 1 gram of sodium bisulfite diluted into 1 liter of water). Once soaked, drained sliced ​​tubers.
Further, the spices until finely ground, then put in a bowl and add a little water. Soak the slices in a basin containing weevil seasoning, and stir until smooth, about 5-10 minutes and leave to marinade is absorbed.
Weevil that has been spiced slices were fried, as he turned upside down evenly until maturity. Remove and drain. Finally, be a hump banana chips are packaged in plastic bags.
f. As the rod Banana Paper Recycled Material
Banana also can be processed into paper, which after drying and further processing. the process of making paper from banana stem material first thing to do is, banana stems cut into small pieces with a size ranging from 25 cm, and the drying in the sun to dry. Once dried banana stems were the next process is to be boiled until soft, but at the boiling process, should be added with formalin or caustic soda in addition to the intention is to speed up the process pelunaan also to eliminate the juices are still attached to the banana stem, the next process which is soft banana stem was filtered and cleaned of chemicals were then made slurry (pulp) in a way in blender. And then molded into sheets of paper.
a. Banana skins Saving Voltage
Who would have thought the banana peel can be used as a substitute for stone batteries. The first way of making a banana peel and orange juice is made, if there is no juice or blender tool then simply destroyed or stir until smooth and then mixed with water. After the electrochemical cell is made by taking the beaker and the solution was put into the juice glass. Then made electrodes made of Cu and Zn. Copper and zinc are connected with a cable and then assisted with the lid of cork made'll look interesting variations.
One cell is a container or a beaker containing two electrodes and a cap. We measured its V and I, V = Voltage, I = Ampere after it is applied or the cable connected to the test object. Application of the simplest and most easily observed are calculators and digital watches, calculators and so connected that hour was a normal life like the life of a rock connected batteries
Compared to buying a battery of stone, using waste banana peel as a replacement battery will reduce the waste rock from the banana but it will increase the sale value of the banana skin itself and the battery will reduce the use of stones that are less environmentally ramahh
b. Banana leaves for wrapping food
Banana leaves used to wrap food for the food wrapped in banana leaves to use to add flavor in food is an example of food that is often used as a wrapping of banana leaves is tempeh. Besides banana leaf also by the communities (circa 1945) is used for wrapping cigarettes
So it can be concluded that by using banana leaves as food wrappers will reduce the use of plastic is not environmentally friendly because we already know that plastic is not biodegradable and will have an impact on global warming.
c. Banana peel to polish shoes
The inside of a banana skin contains potassium which is an essential ingredient contained in shoe polish on the market. After using a banana peel to polish shoes, wash fruit husks that contain vitamin C, B complex and B6 in place with a cloth made from refined. The content contained in the banana oil will soften and preserve leather shoes
By using our banana peels can reduce the use of shoe polish is not a natural material which over time will reduce the quality of the shoe and in addition by using the banana skin we can reduce the costs to buy shoe polish.
By utilizing waste bananas as materials that will increase the added value of the waste we will also streamline the cost and energy. Examples of pengefisienan cost is to use a banana peel as shoe polish. By using the banana peel as shoe polish pemnggati of us can reduce the costs to buy shoe polish, to buy bananas we could get two benefits that bananas contain many vitamins and banana peels that can be made shoe polish. While an example for pengefisienan energy is to use banana leaves as food wrappers, using banana leaves we can save energy that comes out of plastic that is often used because of the use of plastic for packaging food will lead to global warming.
By utilizing waste bananas as a new product it will increase the added value of such waste. And will increase the sale value of the waste that was not useful to be useful.
